Reminder: Parent-Teacher Conference is this week, Wednesday and Thursday, March 12-23, from 4-8 PM.
about 7 hours ago, NF Jr/Sr High
Spring PTC Poster
Fremont Joint School District 215 will conduct its annual Kindergarten Screenings from March 24–27, 2025. All children enrolling in kindergarten for the 2025–2026 school year are required to register for and attend this universal screening. Parents should bring a copy of their child’s birth certificate and immunization record. Children currently enrolled in our preschool programs and receiving special education services do not need to participate in the screening. To schedule your child’s screening, please contact the secretary at your enrolling school on or before Thursday, March 20: 📍 Ashton Elementary – 208-652-7601 📍 Henry’s Fork Elementary – 208-624-7422 📍 Parker-Egin Elementary – 208-624-7472 📍 Teton Elementary – 208-458-4931 ***El Distrito Escolar Conjunto de Fremont 215 llevará a cabo sus evaluaciones anuales de kindergarten del 24 al 27 de marzo de 2025. Todos los niños que se inscriban en kindergarten para el ciclo escolar 2025-2026 deben registrarse y asistir a esta evaluación universal. Los padres deben traer una copia del acta de nacimiento de su hijo y su registro de vacunación. Los niños que actualmente están inscritos en nuestros programas preescolares y que reciben servicios de educación especial no necesitan participar en la evaluación. Para programar la evaluación de su hijo, comuníquese con la secretaria de la escuela en la que se inscribirá a más tardar el jueves 20 de marzo: 📍 Ashton Elementary – 208-652-7601 📍 Henry’s Fork Elementary – 208-624-7422 📍 Parker-Egin Elementary – 208-624-7472 📍 Teton Elementary – 208-458-4931
3 days ago, Heather Parry
kinder screening
Juniors will be attending Higher Ed Days Wednesday, March 5th, at BYU-Idaho. Students will have the opportunity to meet and get information from multiple colleges and universities. We encourage all Juniors to attend. They will need to have a signed parent permission form in order to attended. Students will leave around 8:30. Thank you to Katie Litton and Sara Carter for helping our students have this opportunity.
6 days ago, NF Jr/Sr High
Congratulations to our the North Fremont Girls basketball team for making the state tournament. The first round game is tomorrow at 5 PM at Bishop Kelly High School. Attached is the ticket information for those who plan on attending in person. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Here is a link to help with the ticket purchasing process: For those unable to attend in person can view the game on the NFHS network. Go Huskies!!!!
19 days ago, NF Jr/Sr High
Ticket Information
Due to weather concerns, both Grace and Soda Springs have cancelled joining the wrestling duel today. Because of this, tonight's wrestling match has been cancelled.
25 days ago, NF Jr/Sr High
Tonight the North Fremont Boys Basketball team is hosting a Mother and Son dance from 6-8 PM at the school cafeteria. Come and enjoy a fun evening while supporting the team!
about 1 month ago, NF Jr/Sr High
Dance poster
Due to the extreme cold temperatures forecasted for tomorrow morning, all schools in the district will be closed January 20, 2025. In conferring with the other school, the middle school boys basketball games scheduled for tomorrow have been rescheduled to Saturday, February 1st. Game times will be at 1 and 2:30 PM. The winter concert will still proceed tomorrow evening at 7:00 pm. Students participating have been asked to be at the school by 6:30.
about 2 months ago, NF Jr/Sr High
Board Policy 3265: Student Owned Electronic Communication Devices (cell phone policy) Dear Parents, Students, and Teachers, We are reaching out to share an important update regarding the district's Student Owned Electronic Device Use Policy. This policy will go into effect on Monday, January 27, 2025. To ensure a safe, productive, and distraction-free learning environment, we have updated our policy on the use of personal electronic devices. The policy includes: clear expectations for device use during school hours and information on disciplinary actions for policy violations. Please review the updated policy on our district website or via the link below. We encourage parents and guardians to discuss these guidelines with their students to help reinforce responsible and respectful use of technology. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s school. Thank you for your cooperation as we work together to create an optimal learning environment for all.
about 2 months ago, Fremont SD 215
student holding cell phone
If your housing situation has changed (e.g., living with others, received an eviction notice, living without utilities, living in a shelter/motel, living out of your car), please call Kayla Forbush at 208-624-7422 as we may be able to assist you. Si su situación de vivienda ha cambiado (por ejemplo, vive con otras personas, recibió un aviso de desalojo, vive sin servicios públicos, vive en un refugio/motel, vive en su automóvil), llame a Arcelia Gatica al 208-624-7422, quizas podamos ayudarle.
about 2 months ago, Heather Parry
MV Announcement
Ski Club Announcement: All those that have paid in the office are in the club! Monday a flyer will be sent home for parents and involved students to join the remind group. Dates: All trips are on Fridays. Kelly Canyon Day Skiing: January 17th, 24th, 31st, February 7th 2025 We have 4 trips scheduled to Kelly Canyon. Plan on being to the school on Fridays @ 8am. The bus will leave at 8:20am after loading and will return to North Fremont around 3:30-4pm.
about 2 months ago, NF Jr/Sr High
ski slope
Announcement: Due to travel and weather concerns, today's Bear Lake basketball games for boys and girls have been canceled.
2 months ago, NF Jr/Sr High
NOTIFICATION SYSTEM TEST 12/19/2024 This TEST is to evaluate our communication systems and readiness for potential closures due to weather or other emergencies. If you did not receive this message in your preferred format, please contact your school to ensure we have the correct information on file.
3 months ago, Brandon Farris
This is a Test This is only a test
We would like to wish everyone a safe, happy, and joyful holiday break. We hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We look forward to seeing everyone return safely to school on January 6th. Go Huskies!!!!
3 months ago, NF Jr/Sr High
Christmas Poster
Girls Basketball Updates: Tonight's varsity game vs Salmon will be 6:00 PM. Tomorrow's game vs Teton has been canceled.
3 months ago, NF Jr/Sr High
Parents of Seniors, Remember to purchase a senior ad for your child. We learned that the payment to the senior ads was not working. We apologize for the inconvenience. The link is now working: The last day to purchase senior Ad is January 23, so hurry.
3 months ago, Shauna Dorman
Senior Ad
THANKSGIVING MESSAGE FROM SUPERINTENDENT. Thank you for being an valuable part of our school district community. May your Thanksgiving be safe and full of peace. Click on link below to view the full video message from Superintendent Farris (
4 months ago, Brandon Farris
Happy Thanksgiving
We want to share a big thank you to the Class of 1983 for their generous donation of this beautiful new North Fremont monument.
4 months ago, NF Jr/Sr High
School Rock
As we enter the season of holidays & flu, we wanted to share a reminder of the district attendance policy: Students are allowed 8 absences per semester. Beyond that, they must make up time at Homework Club. To work with different schedules, we offer homework club everyday before school, during lunch, and after school.
4 months ago, NF Jr/Sr High
Attendance poster
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. We are so grateful for the generous donation from Blackfoot Communications to our students! Your kindness and partnership in supporting our school community make a big difference. These donations help ensure our students are warm, comfortable, and ready to learn.
4 months ago, Fremont SD 215
pile of socks
Come and join the NFHS Drama Department as they present the musical, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Show dates are the 14th, 16th, 18th &19th. Shows begin at 7pm each night. There will also be a dinner theater sponsored by Education Foundation on the 16th. Come grab dinner at 5:30, and then enjoy the show at 7.
4 months ago, NF Jr/Sr High
Musical Poster